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Writer's pictureMikaya Gent

Finding Joy and Peace in the Midst of Discomfort

It's always a challenge to believe that you have and can maintain peace & joy in the midst of going through something. I mean your environment is hectic, you may have family problems, you are going through your own personal issues, and with all of that you still have the courage to have peace and joy. But what does that look like?

Peace = tranquilty. Joy = gratitude. Gratitude = thankfulness

Why do we seek peace from others and not from ourselves? It reminds me of a time where I thought that I was happy all the time, and in reality I was miserable. I thought that happiness last forever, but it doesn't. Happiness is only a temporary pleasure and emotion that last until something breaks that feeling, or when another emotion moves that out the way. Joy is everlasting, comes from within, and can never be taken away from you.

Joy is to gratitude, as to seeing a butterfly fly around and land on your hand. Joy is to gratitude, as 22 was to finding great things from the world around her in the movie "Soul". If we take a deeper look at how the movie Soul illustrates the characters, you can see that both was lacking in joy and peace of what is and what is to come. "22" in the movie was unintentionally causing havoc to other mentors because all she seen around her was good. Her soul was new and fresh and yet she was afraid to live because of the unknown. "Joe Gardner" has lived his life, but intentionally did not understand that the life he was living was filled with moments to be grateful for.

It was not until 22 was able to go into a world where she'd never been to and get a taste of reality. Eating, tasting, smelling, and seeing food for the first time; Being able to feel "in charge" while sitting in a chair to get a haircut; Seeing a leaf free fall from a tree and fall into her hands. 22 experienced joy which can not be replaced because it sparked her soul.

Even Joe Gardner when he played the piano. It was a intense feeling of peace that came over his shoulders and pushed away any discomfort he had from a harsh day. It was like a "Me against the world" mentality when he played. He didn't no one, not even death to stop him from getting the chance to play again, because ultimately, his peace was also his joy.

Moral of the story is when you're in an unsettling place, when you're feeling down or somewhat miserable, I want you to get back to the place that gives you peace. Don't call it the "happy place". It is the Place of Joy. Call it the "JOYFUL PLACE"! No one can steal or take joy from you and you can always go to it. The place can be you playing music or singing a song; it can be you playing a sport; reading a book; cooking your favorite dishes; looking at the sun, stars, trees or moon; swimming; loving on your pet or your loved one. Hell it can be FOOD! What ever it is, go to that place of joy and peace when your emotions are trying to block the feeling of gratitude.

That's the time you find gratitude in your discomfort.

As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul. Ase'

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